Developing An Impactful Strategy For Religious Education: Understanding Student Perspectives And Experiences

Albertos Damni


Adopting religious learning methods that cater to student diversity is increasingly crucial in today's education landscape, particularly in light of technology's role in fostering personalized and interactive learning environments. This research delves into the significance of employing differentiated religious learning approaches and fostering meaningful interactions between educators and students within Islamic religious universities. The study relies on a qualitative approach, including group interviews with students. The findings reveal student perspectives on learning techniques and assigned tasks. While some students express disengagement and reduced motivation with repetitive learning methods, others gravitate toward practical and interactive approaches. Effective teacher-student interaction emerges as pivotal, emphasizing teachers' ability to actively listen, offer constructive feedback, and cultivate a supportive atmosphere. Challenges in engaging with educators encompass unresponsiveness to student inquiries and the use of complex language. An excessive workload, particularly with tight deadlines, also proves burdensome for students. Nevertheless, students positively view technology-related assignments, hands-on experiences, and societal issues.


Learning Methods; Student Enthusiasm; Teaching-Learning Process; Teacher Roles.

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