Hubungan Kreativitas Dengan Kecerdasan Emosional Pada Siswa MTs Islamiyah Ciputat Banten
This research aimsto find and analyze the relationship of creativity with the emotional intelligence in the students MTs Islamiyyah Ciputat, Banten.In this study used quantitative methods.The population in this study amounted to 115 while a sample of 52 students and schoolgirls by using sampling techniquesnonprobability samplingtechnique with typepurposive sampling.In this study, data collection was conducted by sharing questionnaire pollfor creativity variables and emotional intelligence variables.The results of the research that has been donefirst, there is a relationship between the creativity of students with the emotional intelligence of students, in the students of class VIII MTs Islamiyyah Ciputat.Secondly,The size of creativity of students with the emotional intelligence of class VIII MTs Islamiyyah Ciputat students, obtained the correlation coefficient = 0.27, with contributions, 07.29%, with significant student creativity variables and students emotional intelligence variables of 2.25.Degrees of freedom (df) 50 are consulted with Significance of 5% by 2.00.Thus obtained ? (0.25 > 2.00) at a level of significance 5% then Ha accepted and Ho was rejected.This indicates there is a low relationship between the creativity of students with emotional intelligence students, in the students of class VIII MTs Islamiyyah Ciputat, Tangsel, Banten.Thusthat there is a relationship between creativity and emotional intelligence.
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