Pemikiran Pendidikan Ibnu Khaldun

Ina Zainah Nasution


Ibnu Khaldun was the greatest Muslim scientist of his time. His thoughts are futuristic and still be used for today. As a recognized scientist both in the West and in the East, we should take the wisdom points of his thinking in the field of education. Ibnu Khaldun set educational goals that are free from materialistic elements, an integrated curriculum and even holistic teaching and learning methods. Khaldun's view later in the 20th century, along with the development of contemporary learning psychology, we know him with the term gestalt psychology which was introduced by Wolfgang Kohler in 1912 in Germany. Khaldun's three steps in the delivery of teaching material are also in accordance with the theory issued by Kohlerberg about the maturity of one's cognition affecting one's ability to receive things. Therefore, to make closer to the true concept of Ibn Khaldun's education, the writer uses the method of content research which is to make Ibn Khaldun's monumental work: The Muqaddimah as the main reference and several other supporting books. So with this effort we can know that Ibn Khaldun was truly "the great Muslim thinker" whose idea in the field of education is very inspiring and even continue to be used for today. Another idea that is even used as a trend in the world of education today is the study tour learning method (rihlah) and homeschooling (sekolah rumah) and its curriculum. Nowadays, Khaldun's bright ideas in the world of education, along with the methods he offered that were global and holistic, are still being used. Thats becoming clear evidence that Ibn Khaldun was a great thinker throughout history


Educational Ideas, Educational Philosophy of Ibn Khaldun.

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Rosenthal, F. (1967). Ibnu Khaldun The Muqaddimah. USA: Princeton University Press.

Setiawan, H. R. (2015). Pendidikan dalam Perspektif Pemikiran Ibnu Khaldun. The 8th International Workshop on Islamic Development (S. 34). Medan: UMSU Press.

Shalabi. (1973). Sejarah Pendidikan Islam. Jakarta: Bulan Bintang.



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