Comparative Study of REACT Learning with Problem-Based Learning on Concepts and Problem-solving Skills in High School

Praitno Simarmata


Preliminary studies show that students' problem-solving and creative thinking skills are still low. The application of a realistic mathematics learning model with Jigsaw type cooperative setting is one way to improve it. The focus of this research is to see how a realistic mathematics learning model with a Jigsaw-style cooperative setting affects students' problem-solving and creative thinking skills. A test of problem-solving skills and a test of creative thinking skills are included in the study instrument. The two-way Manova test was employed for data analysis. (1) A realistic mathematics learning model with Jigsaw type cooperative environment has an effect on students' problem-solving abilities with Fhit > Ftable of 21,957 > 3,13, according to the findings. (2) A realistic mathematics learning model with a Jigsaw cooperative type setting has an effect on students' creative thinking ability when Fhit > Ftable is 9.206 > 3.13 (3) Students with Fhit > Ftable ie 16.126 > 3.13 have an influence of a realistic mathematics learning model with Jigsaw type cooperative setting on problem-solving ability and creative thinking capacity. As a result, the realistic mathematics learning approach can help pupils develop their problem-solving and creative-thinking skills.


PMR, Jigsaw, Problem Solving, Creative Thinking

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Journal of Mathematics Education and Application: JMEA

University Muhammadiyah of Sumatera Utara

Magister Pendidikan Matematika Program Pascasarjana Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Jl. Denai No 217, Indonesia
