IJATCoS: Indonesian Journal of Applied Technology, Computer and Science

Indonesian Journal of Applied Technology, Computer and Science is open to researchers and experts in the field of Computer Science. This journal serves as a forum for disclosing research results both conceptually and technically related to computer science. Indonesian Journal of Applied Technology, Computer and Science is published three times a year, namely in February, August and November. Manuscripts received will be received by the editor and then checked for similarity with the Turnitin application. The review process is carried out using Double Blind Peer Review. Manuscripts received are expected to be related to new technologies and current issues. Please read the Guidelines and Templates of this journal carefully. Authors who wish to submit their manuscripts to the editorial team of Indonesian Journal of Applied Technology, Computer and Science must comply with the writing guidelines. If the submitted manuscript does not comply with the guidelines or is written in a different format, the manuscript will be REJECTED by the editor before being reviewed further. The editor will only accept manuscripts that meet the specified format. Therefore, authors are required to register first and upload the manuscript online. The manuscript creation process can be monitored via OJS. Authors, readers, editorial boards, editors, and peer reviewers can find out the status of the manuscript in real time.

Indonesian Journal of Applied Technology, Computer and Science accepts manuscripts on topics of Software Engineering, Media, Games and Mobile Technology, Data Mining, Information Security, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Natural Language Processing, Smart Cities, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems, Cloud Computing, Digital Forensics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computational Intelligence, Computer Networks, and other study topics relevant to Computer Science.

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Vol 2, No 1 (2025)

Table of Contents


Dimas Frayoga Lubis, Mhd Basri
Sumita Wardani, Salsa Maisah Andani, Ahmad Riady Hasibuan
Khairunnisa Khairunnisa, Martiano Martiano
Rico Wijaya Dewantoro, Putri Rizki Syafrayani, Suci Khairani
Aulia Ichsan, Andi Zulherry, Tia Aulia Lubis, Baqis Az-Zahra Shahnaz