Development of Android Learning Application Based on Smart Apps Creator “BIMA” (Belajar Ingat Malaikat Allah) in Learning Pai Grade 2 Elementary Schoo

Sarah Mutiara Hidayat, Layli Nova Shoyama, Alaina Fajriah, Ani Nur Aeni


This research aims to provide learning media that is effective and efficient for teachers and students in accessing it. The research method chosen is the D&D Model or Design and Develompment, The main problem of developing this android learning application is based on the fact that we often encounter that many children are not interested in learning in class and teachers only rely on conventional learning models, therefore with the aim of creating an innovative and creative new product, learning media becomes one of the tools to support student learning so that the delivery of material delivered by the teacher can be received by students optimally. Media that is in accordance with current learning is technology-based media. One example of a solution that researchers offer is the development of an android learning application that can be accessed by students with the aim that students can learn wherever and whenever they are. The results of the use of the BIMA android learning application can be well received by students and teachers at school, this is evidenced in the validation of media experts and material experts as well as the results of the android application trial conducted at elementary school grade 2 phase A. Which shows good results and is feasible for elementary school grade 2 phase A. Which shows good results and is suitable for use.


Technology; Development; Application; Android; Media; Learning.

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