Implementation of Online-Based Islamic Religious Education Learning at SDIT Darussalam Hadonah Ponorogo

Muhammad Alif Maulidani, Agus Budiman


This research aims to determine the effectiveness of online-based Islamic Religious Education learning as well as supporting and inhibiting factors. The research method used in this research design uses descriptive qualitative methods. The assessment method from data that has been collected through observation, interviews and documentation is by reducing all the data obtained then displaying the data and finally drawing conclusions and assessments from the data. In response to this update, educators reorganize the syllabus that will be used, as well as the RPS, SK, KD, teaching materials and methods for assessing learning outcomes. Among the inhibiting factors in its implementation are the lack of parental supervision and the child's lack of enthusiasm for learning. However, there are supporting factors such as gadget ownership, good internet network and parental motivation for their children. Overall, the implementation of online learning can be considered effective and students can carry out their learning quite well. Although there are still several obstacles in its implementation that must immediately find solutions and solutions.


Implementation; Online Learning; PAI.

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