Dialektika Pendidikan Akhlak dalam Pandangan Ibnu Miskawaih dan Al-Gazali

Benny Prasetiya


This study describes the dialectics of moral education in the view of Al-Gaz?l? and Ibn Miskawaih Muslim philosopher who is considered to have a role in establishing rational and moral character education of Sufism. In a historical perspective of the development of the philosophy of ethics, found a difference of thought both figures, where Ibn Miskawaih more considered extending the concept as the catalyst of progress education ethics while Al-Gaz?l? some mentioned as one of the factors that led to stopping of rate dynamics of thought in the world of Islamic education.


Al-Gaz?l?, Ibn Miskawaih, Ethics


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/intiqad.v10i2.2381


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